Sustainability Governance
At Moncler we believe that long-term success in business is based on the ability to create value for all stakeholders and take into consideration their differing expectations: from clients to employees, communities, NGOs, business partners, the environment and future generations.
Including the evaluation of social and environmental impacts into business decisions is playing an increasing role in the company’s strategic approach.
In 2015 Moncler strengthened its commitment to increas- ingly integrated sustainability management by establishing a governance system that calls for interaction among the different bodies responsible for supervising and managing these areas.
The Sustainability Unit was created, reporting directly to the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, which is responsible for identifying, promptly informing top management, and together with the relevant company departments, managing sustainability risks and identifying areas for improvement and ways to improve. The Unit is also tasked with proposing the sustainability strategy and drafting the Sustainability Plan, preparing the Sustainability Report and fostering a culture of sustainability within the company.
The Sustainability Unit also consults with a Sustainability Steering Committee. This Committee, comprising the heads.
of the relevant functions of the Moncler Group, performs a consultative role, assesses the proposals of the Sustainability Unit, supervises sustainability guidelines and objectives, and analyses the extent to which targets are achieved.
Within each department, a number of “ambassadors” have been identified who are responsible for raising awareness of social and environmental issues within their own areas. They are also responsible for meeting the objectives set out in the Sustainability Plan in their areas of competence and for supporting the Sustainability Unit with drawing up the Sustainability Report.
In a further sign that the company’s top management supports and promotes sustainability, in 2015 the Board of Directors expanded the scope of the Control and Risks Committee to include sustainability issues, changing its name to the Control, Risks and Sustainability Committee.
The Control, Risks and Sustainability Committee comprises five non-executive directors, most of whom are independent. The Committee is tasked by the Board of Directors with supervising sustainability issues connected to the business activities of the Company and its interactions with stakeholders, defining strategic sustainability guidelines and the associated action plan (Sustainability Plan), and also with reviewing the Sustainability Report.